Hunt Intensifies for Ex-Soldier Daniel Khalife, Terror Suspect, Following Daring Escape from Wandsworth Prison

A major manhunt is underway as the notorious Daniel Abed Khalife has escaped from his prison cell. He was a suspected terrorist.

Escape vis Food Delivery Van

Daniel Abed Khalife was accused of planting fake bombs has now escaped from HMP Wandsworth in London. He planted fake bombs at a military base, he is just 21 years old now. He escaped by concealing himself beneath a van.

Airport and Port Delays Due to Security Checks

It is common after his escape security checks have begun in Ports and Airport as he might leave the country. Now there are significant delays across the country for travelers as authorities try hard to find the accused.

Urgent Investigation Underway

The Prison Service is searching for him with the help of the Metropolitan Police from where he escaped. Khalife was 6 feet and 2 inches tall and was seen in a chef’s uniform, he was also wearing a white T-shirt and red and white trousers. Auhotirites have asked citizens to call 999 immediately when they see him.

Questions are also being asked after his escape. Why he was in a lower-security prison rather than a high-security prison? It has also raised concerns about that place.

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk has ordered an immediate investigation into his escape. Pressure on the government is clearly visible now.

Prison escapes are rare in the UK but Khalife’s escape has raised concerns. The last escape was in 994 involving IRA prisoners.

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